2019 Maker Fair Project Wii Remote

Our project was to make a wii remote that would fit in a wristband. The objective of this project was to make it so that when you play a wii game, you don’t have to worry about the wii remote hitting your arm or falling and breaking. Our inspiration for this project was us hanging out and playing on Gabby’s wii and finding it really annoying to have to hold the wii remote constantly so we thought that it would be a good idea to build something smaller that would function the same way that the previous remote would but it would be smaller and easier to manage.
Some of the challenges we had were that we are in different splits and also Ellie is an opera called Carmen with the SF opera so it was very difficult to find time to build/work together on the project. We overcame this challenge by finding time out of school to work on the project and splitting up the work evenly. We also asked some teachers on the days that we were here to make some exceptions for us so that we could work on maker fair during say English or art or something like that.
During the process we learned how a wii remote picks up a signal, how the console and the remote work together to show a dot on the screen where the remote is pointing. If we had more time we would probably find a way to make the board bendable so that it could fit on a sweatband type thing that would just be on your wrist instead of your entire forearm, and it would actually be functional. Advice to others doing this project would be that learn how the wii remote works as fast as you can so that you can start working on an actual prototype that works instead of doing what we did which was spending all of our time learning how the remote works. If we had more time, we would build a version of the wii remote that you don’t have to hold, has a smaller build and you have a smaller holder for the batteries.
An estimated cost for our project would be about $68. The wii remote itself would cost about $20 if you wanted to get a good one (otherwise about $10) and the fabric would cost about $10 so in total that would be about $30 for a good remote and good quality fabric. On top of this a screwdriver and other tools to open the wii remote would come to about $40
Some of the resources we used are https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/wii3.htm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETAKfSkec6A,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXwKXPgx6mI,https://www.google.com/search?q=wii+remote+inside+and+what+everything+is&rlz=1CAXWWL_enUS850&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq2vPivq_iAhWFvp4KHQCEBogQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=665&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=GfT_HssteDNU9M:

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