Garbage Jewelry By Ava Blu and Obinna

Garbage Jewelry

By Ava Blu and Obinna

Ella wearing our Cheese-It earrings
For the Maker Faire decided to make garbage jewelry. We wanted to help the environment, by making reusable products that people would otherwise throw away. We wanted to turn something, that most considered garbage into something pretty and fashionable. Our inspiration, for this project, came from our love for the earth and any innocent animals who are getting hurt, by what us humans are making. We want to slow down the garbage cycle, and make it into reusable fashion that you can where numerous times!

You can see how easily the plastic can rip
In the process of making the jewelry, we had the challenge of only had one needle so we had to have endless patience to make tiny holes in the piece of garbage we were using. We had to make the hole not too big and not too small, it was very tedious and very annoying. In the end, one of us just has to do it but after maker fair was done, Ava Blu found this hole puncher that punches out little holes, which would have been more convenient. We also learned 
that the plastic snack bags can be super flimsy and easy to rip, so gluing thin cardboard from saltine boxes makes the jewelry sturdier.
Mango Earrings

Having to go through the trash really made us realize how much labor and resources it takes to clean, dry, make, and assemble the jewelry.

Going thru this process we discovered that we really enjoyed making jewelry and we’d actually like to sell this jewelry and make a little business out of it. We feel that we wouldn’t want to injure or kill any innocent animals and further hurt the earth (also making money that we could put into supporting organizations and ourselves).

Estimated Cost of this Project: $20.96

If you want to try this yourself you can watch this awesome tutorial and get this jewelry kits and hardware to get you started.

#save the animals #save the earth #bling #fast fashion #reuseable fashion #Garbage earing art

Close up of Ava Blu making earrings
The garbage we collected

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