The objective of our project was to reuse old clothes to make new “trendy” clothes. Our inspiration was seeing people throwing away perfectly good clothes when could just easily upcycle it, for example; when someone “throws away” a dress they could just make it into a top or/and a skirt.
One challenge we faced was not having clothes for the project. Since we didn’t want to spend money on the clothes because it would defeat the purpose of our project, we asked the people at our school if they had spare clothes they either don’t wear or don’t need anymore to bring it in, we also brought in some of our old clothes to upcycle.
In the process of our project we learned how to hand sew and how to manipulate the old clothes into new clothes. If we had more time, we would definitely upcycle more clothes and reach for bigger goals for the clothes we chose. If you do choose to do this project, make a plan for the things you’re going to upcycle, it’s better to see if you can improve on something before you start and mess it up and have no way of fixing it.
0$ spent on materials
3 hours spent on this project.
Tutorial video: