DIY Soccer Goal

Project Inspiration and Overview
Me and Jonas both play soccer and are very interested in the sport so we decided to build a soccer goal from PVC pipes. We also want to create cardboard targets on the goal to make a point system for kids to shoot and score points when they visit our project during the Maker Faire. Our overall goal for the project is to build an easy DIY soccer goal perfect for your backyard. The project could also be easily able to be taken apart, stored and carried around to the park or something.

Challenges and Solutions and Day by Day
At first we had problems picking our project that fit our soccer project desires and would be manageable in our small time period. We went through a full class period on Friday not knowing how or when to begin. We finally picked making the goal that following Monday. At first we did not have enough pipes and were distracted throughout that class period. Because of our lack of communication, no work was completed overnight. We solved this problem through the power of last minute panic and decided on a thorough plan on how to use our time overnight and in class wisely.
On Wednesday we began measuring and deciding for our measurements for the goal so I knew how long of PVC pipes I needed to get while not at school. Jonas began on the thought for the netting we were to make and we decided to weave it ourselves opposed to buying it. We went over the style of how we were to make the net and Jonas learned it for he was to be captain of the knot tying net making. We went over if i was to also buy more string as well but he said it wasn't necessary. At the store, there were no different size pipes so I had to settle for three ten foot long ones.
On Thursday, fifth period a study hall period was kindly given to us so we decided to learn how to cut the PVC pipes down to the size we desired. After that was done, we began the net. It started of very slow and tedious and it was hard. We had to watch the instructional video again to remember how to tie the knots. As we worked, we were so beaten we went over the idea of not having a net at all but we powered through and got much done by the final bell. (we even stayed a little after school)
On the final day of our project, the day of the faire itself I came to school to a desperate Jonas trying to fix the net he obviously messed up while working on it at home. I told him it was fine and we could try to fix it in time and if not it was fine we did not need it. Jonas continued to frantically work on the net as I did a few more PVC pipe cuts and started to build it. After I build it there was a moment of happiness and relief but it all fell apart, literally as the crumbled down when we tried to move it to the right spot. We obvious needed some PVC glue. Luckily, Mason and Zorian where there to help very conveniently with some glue. While Mason and Zorian helped me glue together the PVC pipes  as Jonas continued on the net. We just began to wrap up the project as guests started to arrive. as they flowed in, I even had some time to put up targets on the goal for a point systems and duct tape on the ground so people knew were to kick from according to grade. we did not really have time to admire the final product as more people were increasingly interested in the project. Overall, during the project we both learned that projects takes perseverance and thought. I think what we could have done better or what we would have done with more time would be maybe an electronic point system maybe. For someone who also might want to give this project a go I would say that a secure plan should be established for how the final goal while look like and how you will use all your inside and outside school time wisely. Make sure that you have enough materials for all parts of the project. For example, with us we had about 1/3 of the PVC pipes we needed at first and buying new ones was around $15. Also we have learned to be supportive of your partner and always be on the same page. All in all, our project was a success and we reached our goal and maybe even further. at the faire itself, we were a large attraction of kids of all ages.

Net Making Video

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