Talking Teddy Bear

Our goal was to create something that was both creepy and cool at the same time. We accomplished that by taking an old talking Teddy Ruxpin (a vintage talking teddy bear that used to be worth a lot), and gutted it, and put more modern motors in its head to move the eyes, nose, and mouth. If we had more time, we would have installed a raspberry pi with a special version of Alexa, along with the code to sync the movements of the mouth with the speech of Alexa. If we were to turn our project into something really creepy, we could have added a camera to the bear and added motion detection and facial recognition. We knew this was all possible and we had the materials and the know-how to build it, we simply just didn’t have the time.

Our inspiration to build this teddy bear was TinkerNut, a YouTuber who demonstrated that it was possible to give a teddy bear Alexa. We looked up to them for how to work on our project. They showed us lots of how we should build our teddy bear.

A challenge we encountered was mostly time restraint and getting the new motors to fit into our teddy bear. On the topic of time restraint, we had very big ideas and dreams of what our project would become, but we did not consider how little time we had to do it. We got over having trouble with the motors by starting with a new motor and ripping up the case less so it still fit in the socket.

We learned how to rip apart a Teddy Ruxpin and make it look extremely disturbing. We also learned how to put motors together and we learned a lot about how motors and circuits work.

We would advise to not procrastinate and not to plan to do something huge that will probably take more than your whole life span to finish (if you even live an average lifetime; we’ll probably die because of climate change soon enough. Or maniacal talking teddy bears. Lol… we're all gonna die...).

Our total cost: $120


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